Well friends from every body loves to shop or shopping but some times it becomes addiction and there might be chance of loose all your savings in it.So i'll give some tips "How can the shopping addiction be reduced" is as follows.

Well Shopping is such an addiction where people loose their money without their knowledge and people can’t know this as an addiction. People with a shopping addiction are usually in denial they have a problem. In this situation, friends and relatives often stage an intervention to help the person realize his/her addiction.
People who "shop 'till they drop" and run their credit cards up to the limit often have a shopping addiction. They believe that if they shop they will feel better. Compulsive shopping and spending generally makes a person feel worse. It is similar to other addictive behaviors and has some of the same characteristics as as problem drinking (alcohol or smoking)
Like other addictions, this one is no less critical in nature than other addictions. Remorse plays a large part in all addictions. Eating, sex, shopping and cyberism are things that must be dealt with so the individual can come to a point that normal living can be resumed. These activities are not things that can be stopped on a permanent basis; they are essential to life. Shopping is a necessary activity; it must be done in order to sustain life. But there should be always a limit. Before discussing the solution the so called addicted persons have to answer the following question.

The solutions are in the question itself.
1. Have you ever asked yourself why you buy things you don't need?
2. Have you ever spent money for bills on things for yourself?
3. Have you stolen money from a friend, family member, employer or place of business?
4. Do you start out thinking that you deserve a reward and then end up feeling shame and
5. Does your spending cause strife between yourself and a significant other?
6. Do you go shopping to change your mood?
7. Do you shop when you are depressed?
8. Do you shop when you are happy and then become depressed?
9. Have you ever used one credit card to pay the bill of another?
10. Do you shop to impress others?
11. Do you hide things that you buy from others?
12. Do you give things away to others to help relieve the pain caused by spending?
13. Have you ever sought help for a spending/shopping problem?
14. Have you ever wished your life was different?
Well after reading one must be aware of the fact what they are doing wrong.
So it is not too late, they should act fast not to get into problems in future.
So the solutions are:
· Pay for purchases by cash, check, debit card.
· Make a shopping list and only buy what is on the list.
· Destroy all credit cards except one to be used for emergency only.
· Avoid discount warehouses. Allocate only a certain amount of cash to be spent if you do visit one.
· "Window shop" only after stores have closed. If you do "look" during the day, leave your wallet at home.
· Avoid phoning in catalog orders and don't watch TV shopping channels.
· If you're traveling to visit friends or relatives, have your gifts wrapped and call the project finished; people tend to make more extraneous purchases when they shop outside their own communities.
Get rid of all credit cards except one for emergencies. Use it for emergencies only.

• Make a list when you head to the grocery store or discount store. Do not deviate from your list.

• Carry just enough cash to pay for your needed purchases and nothing more.
• Find new activities or hobbies to keep you busy when the urge to shop hits - read a book, take a walk or vacuum the house. Do whatever it takes to keep from going to the mall.

• If you frequently buy online, disconnect the Internet or give your spouse/roommate your credit cards while you use the Internet.

• When catalogs arrive in the mail, immediately throw them out.

Establish a want-to-buy list. Whenever people feel they need to buy something that i


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